Dengue Fever: A Closer Look At Symptoms, Causes, And Treatments

​​The rainy season is the perfect time to get dengue fever. Mosquitoes are more active in the rain, and they can spread the infection more easily. In this article, we will discuss some of the symptoms of dengue fever, as well as its causes and treatments

Make sure to keep your home mosquito-free by using insect repellents, removing any standing water from around your home, and avoiding being outside during the early morning and late evening hours when mosquitoes are most active.  
Highlight points

1. What is Dengue Fever
2. Causes
3. Symptoms
4. Warning Signs
5. Treatment
6. Prevention
7. Home Remedies
symptoms of dengue

What is Dengue

Dengue fever is a virus that is spread through the bites of infected mosquitoes. If you get dengue, seek medical help as soon as possible. Dengue fever is a virus that can be spread through the air, and it is considered to be a global health threat.

What Causes Dengue Fever?

Dengue fever is a tropical disease caused by an Aedes aegypti mosquito. The virus is transmitted to humans via the bite of an infected mosquito. Symptoms of dengue fever can include fever, headache, muscle and joint pain, and vomiting. There is no specific treatment for dengue fever, but it can be treated with rest, paracetamol, and fluids. Dengue fever is generally a mild illness, but it can be serious in pregnant women and young children.

Symptoms of Dengue Fever

The symptoms of dengue fever vary depending on the person, but typically they include

  1. High fever, 
  2. Severe headache, 
  3. Pain behind the eyes, and 
  4. Rash. 

Some people experience vomiting and muscle aches. People may sometimes also experience seizures.

The fever can last for a few days, but in most cases, it goes down within a few days. The rash may last for a few days or a few weeks, and can sometimes be itchy. The pain behind the eyes usually goes away within a week or two, but the headache may persist.

symptoms of dengue fever

Warning Signs of Dengue Fever

Your Infant has Dengue

Signs of mild to moderate dehydrationSigns of severe dehydration
– Urinates less frequently (less than 6 wet diapers per day)
– Dry mouth, tongue, lips
– Few or no tears when crying
– Sunken soft spot of the head 

What to do: Contact your child’s pediatrician immediately.
– Sleepiness, lack of energy, very fussy
– Sunken eyes
– Cool, discolored hands or feet
– Urinates 1-2 times per day 

What to do: Go to an urgent care clinic or the emergency room.
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Child or Family Member Sick with Dengue

Signs of mild to moderate dehydration

Babies and ChildrenAdults
– Urinates less frequently (less than 6 wet diapers per day)
– Dry mouth, tongue, lips
– Few or no tears when crying
– Sunken soft spot of the head
– Thirst, dry or sticky mouth
– Not peeing very much, dark yellow pee
– Dry, cool skin
– Headache
What to do: Talk to your healthcare provider. Provide fluids such as water, juice, milk, or drinks with added electrolytes.

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Signs of severe dehydration

Babies and ChildrenAdults
– Sleepiness, lack of energy, very fussy
– Sunken eyes
– Cool, discolored hands or feet
– Urinates 1-2 times per day
– Not peeing very much, dark yellow pee
– Feeling dizzy, sleepy, no energy, confused, or irritable
– Sunken eyes
– Rapid heart rate, breathing
What to do: Go to an urgent care clinic or the emergency room immediately.

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Treatment for Dengue Fever

If you are feeling a fever and muscle aches, there is a good chance you have dengue fever. Dengue is a type of fever caused by a mosquito bite. Symptoms range from mild to severe and can last anywhere from a few days to weeks.

There is no cure for dengue fever, but there are treatments available that can help relieve the symptoms. Rest, water, and over-the-counter medicines are available as treatments. If you are diagnosed with dengue fever, be sure to take precautions such as using insect repellent and staying indoors during peak mosquito hours.

For more information on how to treat dengue fever, visit the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention website.

Prevention of Dengue Fever

There is no specific prevention method for dengue fever, but precautionary measures can help reduce your risk.

These include:

Protect yourself and others

  1. Cover your nose and mouth when you sneeze and cough, to avoid the spread of the virus.
  2. You can use insect repellent and wear long sleeves and pants when outdoors.
  3. washing your hands thoroughly before and after handling food, avoiding contact with mosquitoes, and using insect repellent if necessary.
Protect yourself : Dengue Fever


CYD-TDV (Dengvaxia)

The most important step in preventing dengue is getting vaccinated. There are 4 different serotypes of the dengue virus: 

  • DENV-1 
  • DENV-2 
  • DENV-3
  • DENV-4

Dengvaxia (CYD-TDV) is a vaccine that helps protect against the DEN-2 and DEN-3 viruses. It was licensed in 2015 by the World Health Organization (WHO) and has been used to immunize people in Brazil since 2017.


Indian companies have licensed a live attenuated experimental vaccine from the USA.

 – India is also developing an indigenous tetravalent dengue subunit vaccine, DSV4.

Plan for Travel

If you are planning to travel to areas where dengue is common, be prepared. Here are some tips to help you make the most of your trip while minimizing the chances of contracting the virus:

  • Check the latest travel advisories before departure. This will help you know if there are any areas that warrant extra caution.
  • Avoid areas where mosquitoes are active. Mosquitoes can spread the dengue virus in close quarters, so avoid places like parks, beaches, and marshes.
  • Stay healthy BEFORE you go away. Make sure to get vaccinated against common illnesses like malaria and typhoid fever. Avoid eating foods that are likely to cause diarrhea, such as seafood, fruits, and vegetables from uncertified sources.
  • Drink plenty of fluids and avoid drinks with high sugar content (soda, fruit juices). These will help keep your body hydrated and reduce the risk of dehydration.
  • Use insect repellent containing DEET or Icaridin. These substances can also protect you from mosquito bites. 

5 home remedies for dengue

There is no cure for dengue fever, but there are several home remedies that can help ease the symptoms.

  1. Drink plenty of fluids to avoid dehydration.
  2. Take ibuprofen or acetaminophen to help relieve fever and pain.
  3. Try a cooling bath or ice pack on the head and body to reduce inflammation and swelling.
  4. Avoid sunlight and stay indoors as much as possible if you are feeling ill.
  5. Get rest and avoid overexertion.


We hope that this information will help you stay safe and informed if you contract this virus and that it will provide you with some insight into how to manage your condition should it arise. Thank you for reading!

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